One hundred doping controls in 3 days
by Maria Pia Beltran
Mark Adams, IOC Director of Communication |
SOCHI, February 2, 2014 - Almost 100 doping test already taken at the Athletes Olympic Village in Sochi. The today IOC Executive Board's press briefing has underlined the increasing in the Doping Program at least at 57 % in comparison to Vancouver Games. From january 30, the day of opening of Athletes village, till now 98 test has been concluded to the sportsmen and sportswomen already arrived to Sochi. 28 the blood test and 70 the urine ones. The estimate numbers for the EPO detention refers something about 509 blood and 572 urine test through all the period of the Games: <<The samples will be kept for 10 years - has explained Mark Adams, IOC Director of Communications - in this way if in future they will find better methods of detection they will do it on this same samples>>.
Not completely ready media accomodations at Russky Dom |
The accommodation for journalist still remain a problem to be solved. From one point it's growing the worry of colleagues not yet arrived that want to know the exact conditions of their booked rooms; from the other the organizers seem to want to convince the media that the delicate topic is under control. <<It is not true that three buildings in the Mountain Cluster are not completed - stares IOC spokesman - the missing things are being completed in the close days, even if I cannot put my hand on fire about the date of works completion>>. The people who will not have the proper booked accommodation ready will be placed in other rooms: <<There were built 41 thousands rooms for this Games - goes on Adams - the accommodation are enough for all of the incoming journalist which will find at least a same-level or better kind of solution for their stay in Sochi>>.
SECURITY: The Australian National Committee will not allow their athletes to go far from the village as a kind of specific security measure. That is what comes out from the morning press conference at the Gorky Media Center: for the moment no one other NOC has mentioned the possibility to take different security measure from the one which are provided by the organizers. A curious fact has happened yesterday. The two canadian coaches of the Italian Short Track, Kenan Gouadec and Eric Bedard, wanted to get out to go for a drink in a local area, close to the Athletes Village, where there is the Radisson Blu Resort & Congress Center, which houses the Olympic family. Their pass, for reasons of safety and protection, doesn't allow the access through the checking point number seven: the bizarre fact is that if they come out the other side of the Athletes Village they would have been, as if by magic, in the area where they were going. Without having to give up a well-deserved beer.
Security at the cheking point in front of Main Media Center. |
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